


熱蠟畫hot wax painting / encaustic painting)係指將加熱咗成液體狀態嘅蜂蠟(beeswax)同粉狀顏料溝埋形成有色熱蠟,再用呢啲有色熱蠟畫出嚟嘅畫,亦有熱蠟畫會採用蜂蠟以外嘅或者喺啲蠟嗰度加入少少亞麻籽油等嘅物料。熱蠟畫通常會係畫喺木頭石頭或者畫布上面,一般會用畫刀等金屬架生或者特製嘅畫筆嚟畫上去個表面嗰度,畫好想要嘅圖案之後,畫畫人就會等啲蠟慢慢冷卻變硬,形成一幅完成作品。熱蠟畫通常都需要用好多特製嘅架生先至可以畫得到,所以唔係咁常見[1]

熱蠟畫出名在於佢嘅古老性:熱蠟畫嘅其中一個英文名「encaustic painting」源自希臘文嘅「enkaustikos」,意思係「燒入去」噉解[2];事實係,熱蠟畫嘅做法早喺公元 1 世紀經已有古羅馬人喺度用[3],而好多 1 至 3 世紀嘅古埃及同古羅馬文物上都有用熱蠟方法畫出嚟嘅圖像[4]。喺中世紀嗰陣,熱蠟畫喺東歐(睇埋拜占庭帝國)同埋中東嘅某啲地區一路都有相當嘅影響力。而呢種獨特嘅畫畫方式仲喺 1990 年代開始喺西方世界重新崛起[5]




  1. Mattera, Joanne (2001). The Art of Encaustic Painting: Contemporary Expression in the Ancient Medium of Pigmented Wax. Watson-Guptill Publications. p. 22.
  2. Encaustic. Online Etymology Dictionary.
  3. Pliny the Elder (1855) [c. AD70]. The Natural History. Translated by John Bostock; H.T. Riley. London: Taylor and Francis. Book 35, ch 41.
  4. Doxiadis, Euphrosyne (1995). The Mysterious Fayum Portraits: Faces from Ancient Egypt. H. N. Abrams. p. 193.
  5. Gianquinto, Michael A., Cape Cod Museum Curator of Art. Swept Away: Translucense, Transparence, Transcendence in Contemporary Encaustic. (2014) Curator's foreword to Hunterdon Art Museum Exhibition Catalog, p. 6.