


打鬧玩英文rough-and-tumble play / play fighting)指有競爭性同粗魯嘅,例子有好多細路(尤其係男仔)當中見到嘅玩打交[1]



  1. Pellis, S. M., & Pellis, V. C. (1998). The play fighting of rats in comparative perspective: A schema for neurobehavioral analyses. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 23, 87-101.
  2. Suomi, S. J. (2005). Genetic and environmental factors influencing the expression of impulsive aggression and serotonergic functioning in rhesus monkeys. In R. E. Tremblay, W. W. Hartup & J. Archer (Eds.), Developmental Origins of Aggression (pp. 63-82). The Guilford Press: New York, NY.
  3. Pellis, S. M., & Pellis, V. C. (2009). The Playful Brain. Venturing to the Limits of Neuroscience. Oneworld Press: Oxford, UK.