

地點 美國 美國俄亥俄州肯特
日期 1970年5月4號
時間 晏晝12點42分 (UTC-4
襲擊目標 肯特州立大學學生
武器 M1加蘭德步槍M1911手槍霰彈槍
死亡數 4
受傷數 9
主腦 俄亥俄州國民警衛隊




  1. "These would be the first of many probes into what soon became known as the Kent State Massacre. Like the Boston Massacre almost exactly two hundred years before (March 5, 1770), which it resembled, it was called a massacre not for the number of its victims but for the wanton manner in which they were shot down." Philip Caputo (May 4, 2005). "The Kent State Shootings, 35 Years Later".NPR.Retrieved November 9, 2007.
  2. Rep. Tim Ryan (May 4, 2007). "Congressman Tim Ryan Gives Speech at 37th Commemoration of Kent State Massacre".Congressional website of Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio).Retrieved November 9, 2007.
  3. John Lang (May 4, 2000). "The day the Vietnam War came home". Scripps Howard News service.Retrieved November 9, 2007.
  4. Darrell Laurent, "Kent State – A history lesson that he teaches and lives – Dean Kahler disabled during 1970 student demonstration at Kent State University", Accent on Living, Spring 2001.
